Our Constitution

Woodcraft Guild Tasmania Incorporated







1          The name of the Association shall be Woodcraft Guild Tasmania

Incorporated, (in these Objects and Rules called "the Association").


2          The office of the Association shall be at the residence of the Treasurer, or

such other place as the committee, from time to time, determine.


                           3          The Objects for which the Association is established are:-

(1)        to promote, foster and encourage interest and participation in

woodworking craft, woodwork design and manufacture and promote

                                                good fellowship amongst those interested in woodworking;

(2)        to organise, promote and assist the work and techniques of the

woodworker in the community;

(3)        to conserve and develop the natural wood resources of Tasmania;

(4)        to liaise with similar interest groups throughout Australia; and

(5)        to do all such things and acts conducive to raising the standards and

recognition for fine woodworking performed by woodworkers.


4            (1)        In addition to the basic objects of the Association, the objects and

purposes of the Association shall be deemed to include-

(a)        the purchase, taking on lease or in exchange, and the hiring or

otherwise acquiring of any real or personal property that may

be deemed necessary or convenient for any of the objects or

                                                            purposes of the Association;

(b)        the buying, selling, and supplying of and dealing in, goods of

all kinds;

(c)        the construction, maintenance and alteration of buildings or

works necessary or convenient for any of the objects or

purposes of the Association;

(d)        the accepting of any gift, whether subject to a special trust or

not, for any one or more of the objects or purposes of the


                                 (e)        the taking of such steps from time to time as the committee or

                                the members in general meeting may deem expedient for the

                                purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the

                                 Association, whether by way of donations, subscriptions, or


                                 (f)        the printing and publishing of such newspapers, periodicals,

                                 leaflets, or other documents as the committee or the members

                                 in general meeting may think desirable for the promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association;

                                  (g)        the borrowing of money in such manner and on such terms as

                                 may be approved or directed by resolution passed at a general


                                  (h)        the raising of money in such manner and on such terms as may be approved or directed by resolution

passed at a general meeting;

                                   (i)         subject to the provisions of the Trustee Act 1898, the

                                  investment of any moneys of the Association not immediately

                                  required for any of its objects or purposes in such manner as

                                  the committee may from time to time determine;

                                   (j)         the doing of all such other lawful things as are incidental or

                                  conducive to the attainment of the basic objects of the

                                   Association or of any of the objects and purposes specified in

                                   the foregoing provisions of this sub-rule.


                                    (2)        In this rule, "basic objects of the Association" means the objects as

                                    stated in rule 3 of these Objects and Rules.



                        5          (1)        A person who is nominated and approved for membership as provided

                                   in these rules is eligible to be a member of the Association on payment

                                   of the annual subscription prescribed in, or fixed under, these rules.

                                    (2)        A person who is not a member of the Association shall not be admitted

                                    to membership -

                                    (a)        unless he is nominated as provided in sub-rule (3) of this rule;


                                                (b)        his admission as a member is approved bv the committee.


                        6          The annual membership fee for all classes of membership shall be determined

                       at the Annual General Meeting.


                        7          Persons under the age of eighteen years shall be eligible for membership of

                       the Association at such fee as may be determined, but they shall not be

                       entitled to hold office or vote at meetings of the Association.


                        8          The Association shall have the power to terminate the membership of any

                       member who has been unfinancial for a period exceeding three months after

                       the date for payment of the annual membership fee.


                        9          (1)        Any member who has committed an act or has been guilty of conduct

                       detrimental to the interests of the Association can be required to

                       appear before the committee which can, by a two thirds majority,

                      expel the member from the Association.


                      (2)        Where the committee expels a member, the public officer shall within 10 days of such decision, cause to be served on such

member a notice-

                                   (a)        stating that the committee has expelled the member;

                                  (b)        specifying the grounds for the expulsion; and

                                  (c)        informing the member that he may, within 10 days after the

                                  service of the notice on him, appeal against the expulsion.


                                   (3)        An appeal against the expulsion of a member shall be conducted at a

                                  special general meeting of the Association at which no other business

                                  shall be transacted and a majority vote by ballot at such meeting shall determine the issue.


            Management of the Association

                       10        (1)        The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a committee of

                      management constituted as provided in rule 12.


                       (2)        The committee -

                      (a)        shall control and manage the business and affairs of the


                      (b)        may, subject to these rules, exercise all such powers and

                     functions as may be exercised by the Association, other than

                     those powers and functions that are required by these rules to

                     be exercised by general meetings of members of the Association;

                      (c)        subject to the Act and these rules, has power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the committee to be essential


                                    (3)        A nomination of a person for membership of the Association-

                                   (a)        shall be made in writing, signed by a member of the


                                   (b)        shall be accompanied by the written consent of the person

                                   nominated (which may be endorsed on the form of

                                   nomination); and

                                   (c)        shall be lodged with the public officer of the Association.

                                    (4)        As soon as practicable after the receipt of a nomination, the public officer shall refer the nomination to the committee.


                                    (5)        Upon a nomination being approved by the committee, the public

                                   officer shall, with as little delay as possible, notify the nominee, in

                                   writing, that he has been approved for membership of the Association

                                   and, upon receipt of the sum payable by or on behalf of the nominee as

                                   his first year's subscription, shall enter the nominee's name in a register

                                   of members to be kept by the public officer, whereupon the nominee becomes a member of the Association.


                       (6)        A member of the Association may, at any time, resign from the

                                   Association by delivering or sending by post to the public officer, a written notice of resignation.


                                    (7)        Upon receipt of a notice under sub-rule (6) of this rule, the public

                                   officer shall remove the name of the member by whom the notice was

                                   given from the register of members, whereupon that member ceases to

                                   be a member of the Association.



                                    (8)        A right, privilege, or obligation of a person by virtue of his

                                   membership of the Association -

                                   (a)        is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another

                                  person; and

                                   (b)        terminates upon the cessation of his membership, whether by

                                  death, resignation, or otherwise.


                                   (9)        (a)        The liability of members of the Association, pursuant to

                                  Section 27 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1964, is limited.

                                   (b)        In the event of the Association being wound up, every member

                                  of the Association may be liable to contribute to the COSTS of

                                                            winding up the Association for a sum not exceeding $2.


                                                (c)        for the proper management of the business and affairs of the



                       (d)       shall meet as often as required to conduct the affairs of the

                      Association and at all such meetings, four shall constitute a

                      quorum; and


                       (e)        shall appoint a public officer of the Association.


                        11        (1)        The officers of the Association shall be -

                       (a)        a President;

                       (b)        a Vice-President;

                       (c)        a Treasurer; and

                       (d)       a Secretary.


                        (2)        Each officer of the Association shall hold office until the Annual

                       General Meeting next after the date of his election but is eligible for re-election.


                        (3)        In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in any office mentioned in

                       sub-rule (1) of this rule, the committee may appoint one of its

                       members to the vacant office, and the member so appointed may hold

                       office, subject to these rules, until the conclusion of the Annual

                       General Meeting next following the date of his appointment.


                        12        (1)        The committee shall consist of-

                       (a)        the officers of the Association; and

                       (b)        up to a maximum of six other members, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association

in each year.


                        (2)        Each ordinary committeeman shall, subject to these rules, hold office

                       until the Annual General Meeting next after the date of his election, but is eligible for re-election.


                        (3)        In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the office of ordinary

                       committeeman, the committee may appoint a member of the

                       Association to fill the vacancy, and the member so appointed shall

                       hold office, subject to these rules until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting next following the date of his appointment.


                                    (4)        Nominations for officers of the Association and for ordinary

                                                committee members shall be in writing signed by a member of the

                                                Association and endorsed with the consent of the candidate and be

                                                lodged with the public officer two clear days before the date fixed for holding the Annual General Meeting.


                                    (5)        If insufficient nominations for officers of the Association have been

                                                received pursuant to Rule 12 (4), nominations for officers may be called at the Annual General Meeting.


            Income and Property


                        13        (1)        The income and assets of the Association shall be applied solely to the

                                                promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association, and no

                                                portion thereof shall be paid or transferred by dividend, bonus or

                                                otherwise, to any member of the Association.


                                    (2)        Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this rule prevents the payment

                                                in good faith to a servant or member of the Association of-

                                                (a)        remuneration in return for services actually rendered to the

                                                            Association by the servant (:i member or for goods supplied to

                                                            the Association by the servant or member in the ordinary'

                                                            course of business;


                                                (b)        interest at a rate not exceeding seven and one quarter per cent

                                               on moneys lent to the Association by the servant or member; or


                                                (c)        a reasonable and proper sum by way of rent for premises let to

                                                            the Association by the servant or member.


                        14        (1)        True accounts shall be kept-

                                                (a)        of all sums of money received and expended by the Association

                                                            and the matter in respect of which the receipt took place; and


                                                (b)        of the property, credits and liabilities of the Association,

                                                            and subject to any reasonable restrictions as to time and manner of

                                                            inspecting them that may be imposed by the Association for the time being, those accounts shall be open to the

inspection of the members of the Association.


                                    (2)        The Treasurer of the Association shall faithfully keep all financial

                                                records accounting books and records of receipts and expenditure

                                                connected with the operations and business of the Association, in such

                                                form and manner as the committee may direct.



                       (3)        The account books and records referred to in sub-rules (1) and (2) of

                       this rule shall be held at the Association's Office, or at such other place

                      as the Committee shall decide.


                       (4)        The Association's financial year shall be from I July to 30 June each



            Banking, Finance and Audit

                        15        (1)        The Treasurer of the Association shall, on behalf of the Association,

                      receive all moneys paid to the Association and forthwith after the

                      receipt thereof issue official receipts therefore.


                       (2)        The committee shall cause to be opened with such bank: as the

                      committee selects, a banking account in the name of the Association

                      into which all moneys received shall be paid by the Treasurer as soon

                      as possible after receipt thereof.


                       (3)        No cheque shall be drawn on the Association's bank account except

                      for the payment of expenditure that has been authorised by the



                       (4)        All cheques, drafts and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by

                       the Treasurer or, in his absence, by such other member or members of

                       the committee as the committee may nominate for that purpose, and

                      countersigned by the public officer or such other member or members

                      of the committee as the committee may nominate.


16        (1)        At each Annual General Meeting of the Association, the members present shall appoint an Audit Committee

to verify the books of the Association.


                       (2)      The Audit Committee should consist of one non committee member and the

                                   Secretary/Public Officer.


(3)        The Audit Committee so appointed shall hold office until the Annual General Meeting next after that at which they were

appointed and will be eligible for re-appointment.


                        17        (1)     Once at least in each financial year of the Association, the accounts of the Association shall be examined by the

Audit Committee .


(2)        The Audit Committee shall certify as to the correctness of the accounts of the Association and shall report thereon to the

members present at the Annual General Meeting.

(3)        The Audit Committee has a right of access to the accounts, books, records, vouchers and documents of the Association.



                        18        (1)        The Association shall once each year hold an Annual General Meeting.


                       (2)        The-Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of August

                      each year and notice shall be given to members in writing at least one

                      month before such meeting. Notice of such Annual General Meeting

                      may be given in any news sheet of the Association.


                       (3)        No item of business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting

                      unless a quorum of members entitled under these rules to vote is

                      present during the time when the meeting is considering that item;


                      (4)        A quorum of members at an Annual General Meeting shall consist of

                      at least 20% of financial members of the Association.


                      (5)        Members who have paid their annual subscription for the current

                      financial year, and members who have paid their annual subscription

                      for the year immediately prior to the current financial year, shall be

                      eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.


                      (6)        The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be -

                      (a)        to confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting;

                      (b)        to receive from the committee, auditor, and members of the

                     Association reports upon the transactions and proceedings of

                     the Association during the last preceding year;

                     (c)        to elect the officers of the Association and the ordinary


                     (d)       to appoint the auditor; and

                      '(e)       to conduct any other business of which notice has been given.


                      19        (1)        The committee may convene general meetings of the Association

                     whenever it thinks fit;


                     (2)        Notice of general meetings shall be given to members of the

                     Association at least fourteen days prior to the meeting and such notice

                                                may be given in the Association's newsletter;


                       (3)        No item of business shall be transacted at a general meeting unless a

                       quorum of members entitled under these rules to vote is present during

                       the time when the meeting is considering that item;

                       (4)        A quorum of members at a general meeting shall consist of at least

                       20% of financial members of the Association;


                        20        (1)        The Committee may convene a special meeting of the Association

                      whenever it thinks fit.

                       (2)        The 'Committee shall, on the requisition of not less than 12 members,

                      convene a special meeting of the Association and such signed

                      requisition shall succinctly state the reasons and particulars for such



                      (3)        Notice of such special meeting shall be delivered to all members in

                      writing at least 14 days before the date appointed for such meeting.


                      (4)        No item of business afa special meeting shall be conducted unless a

                      quorum of members entitled to vote are present when the item is being



                      (5)        A quorum of members at a special meeting shall consist of at least

                     20% of financial members of the Association;


                      21        At all meetings of the Association the President or, in his absence, the Vice

                     President or, in the absence of both these persons, such person as the meeting

                     duly appoints shall preside as Chairman.


                      22        (1)        The seal of the Association shall be in the form of a rubber stamp,

                     inscribed with the name of the Association encircling the word 'seal'.


                     (2)        The Seal of the Association should not be affixed to any instrument

                    except by the express authority of the Committee and the affixing thereof shall be attested by one member of

the Committee and the Public officer and that attestation is sufficient for all purposes that the seal was

                    affixed by the authority of the Committee.


         Alterations and Amendments

                     23        Amendments or alterations to the Rules of the Association may only be

                    effected at an Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the

                    Association and require a 75% majority of eligible voting members present at

                                    the meeting.


            Winding Up

                        24        The winding up of the Association can only be carried out by the passing of a

                       special resolution passed by a majority of at least two thirds of members

                       present at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and its assets

                        transferred to an Organisation or Association having objectives similar to or

                       comparable with the objects of the Association and such winding up is

                       sanctioned and approved in pursuance of Sec. 33 of the Associations

                                    Incorporation Act 1964.

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